CRM and Marketing Automation together as one.

Watch as your business goals become a reality with an assist from proven CRM and powerful Marketing Automation. Just look at what’s possible with Act!.

two people talking on the phone with a photo of the act! CRM task list abilities

Delight every customer, every time.

Where no detail is forgotten and meaningful interactions happen.

Imagine this—a top customer calls unexpectedly, but you don’t sweat it. In an instant you’re informed and prepared with a comprehensive view of all their interactions with your company, no matter where you are. With all this rich information, you personalise conversations and build trust, because you know things like which products they have, when their contracts are expiring, the last time you spoke, even down to their birthday and kids’ names. You nailed it! All your customers think they’re your best and most valued.

two people talking on the phone with a photo of the act! CRM task list abilities
Market Like a Pro - Act!

Market like a pro.

Powerful tools to attract business and promote your brand.

Need to get the word out about your business, but don’t know where to start? It’s easier than you think! Send impactful emails that promote your products or services and look professional, without a big budget or marketing expertise. You take it a step further to really set yourself apart from the competition and build the perfect journey for your customers with automated outreach in each step. Your results only get better over time, because real-time metrics tell you what’s working and what’s not. Plus, you have the tools to capture new leads, profile your prospects progressively, and turn website visitors into paying customers—just like a marketing pro!

Sales more

Turn leads into sales.

A straight line to sales success.

Stop guessing which deals will close each month. Focus on your most valuable opportunities to hit your sales goals every month! Hot leads end up in your hands while they’re ready to buy, because your marketing and sales efforts are fully connected. And, because you track and manage every detail of your open opportunities, you forecast accurately, uncover potential issues and opportunities, and quickly adjust your strategy with ease. You even identify trends from any deals you’ve lost. Don’t worry, everyone on your team advances deals through a standardised sales process you define.

Sales more
faux example of a 5 star review email from a customer

Win raving fans for life.

From leads to sales to 5-star reviews.

It’s more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to keep one. But too many companies focus only on the top of the funnel. Stay engaged with your customers and continuously delight them after their initial purchase. With an assist from automated communications and activities you define, you deliver the right message at the right time. This makes it easy to upsell products or services to your existing customers, renew their contracts before they expire, and check in regularly to ensure they’re happy and advocating your brand. Glowing reviews and enthusiastic referrals are yours for the taking!

two people reviewing a sales chart on a tablet

Focus where it counts.

Finally, a cheat sheet for your unique business.

Wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly where to focus your limited time and valuable resources? Good news, it’s possible! Know exactly how your business and employees are performing with dynamic, visual snapshots of real-time metrics. Sales, marketing, and business health KPIs mean smarter decision-making is an easy reality. Work in real estate, finance, manufacturing, or other specialised industries? No problem. Really drill-down and fine-tune your strategies with insights specific to your unique industry.

two people reviewing a sales chart on a tablet
mobile phone showing the mobile act! CRM platform version

Get organised—and get busy.

A place for everything and everything in its place.

You used to track emails in one system, sales deals in another…the list goes on. Now you have a place for everything related to your business. Your customer details, emails, notes about your accounts, attachments, campaign results, and even industry-specific details are all organised and easily searchable. Need the data from the office, on the road, or even when you’re disconnected? You’re covered. Want to work seamlessly with business apps like Outlook®, Slack™, and QuickBooks® Online? You guessed it, you’re covered there too.

brett sullivan headshot

The biggest way Act! makes my work easier on a day-to-day basis is it allows me to come into the office and have my day planned out for me. It tells me who to call, when to call them, and what to say.”

Brent Sullivan, Loan Officer

Homeowner’s Financial Group

Big results. Small investment.

Ready to take the first step?