With Act! Premium, you have options.

Full-featured CRM and Marketing Automation for individuals and sales teams.


Act! Premium Desktop


(billed annually)

Experience the security and control of an on-premises solution where you deploy and manage the software.


Act! Premium Cloud


$48 (w/desktop sync)

(billed annually)

Enjoy the convenience and peace of mind of a cloud-based solution where we handle all the technical details.

Features and Benefits

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Desktop Cloud
[] [] CRM
Customer management
Keep rich customer details, emails, documents, notes, history, activities, and more in one easy to find place.
Task & activity management
Track and prioritize calls, meetings, and to-dos—all associated with your contacts.
See exactly what you have planned for the day from your Act! calendar.
Notes & history
Keep a detailed record of interactions with customers and prospects so you have a full picture of each relationship.
Associate Contacts with their respective Companies to understand and manage engagements comprehensively.
Relationship timeline
See a visual chronology of all activities and communications associated with a customer or prospect.
Secondary contacts
Record basic information about people associated with a contact without creating a new contact record.
In-context maps & web info
See real-time information from the Web, in-context within each contact record - maps, social profiles, and more.
Call lists & Hot Leads
Zero in on your most interested leads with intelligent Call Lists that rank campaign recipients by level of engagement.
Notifications & alerts
Notifications and alerts ensure you stay on task and on time throughout your day.
Act! Companion - Mobile app
Stay connected to key Act! details from wherever you work with a mobile app for iPhone®, iPad®, and Android™.
Welcome page - User productivity dashboard
Start your morning with an overview of your top deals and key activities. Personalize to stay informed and productive throughout your day.
Mail merge
Send personalized communications to contacts or groups with unique data from their individual customer records.
Search & lookups
Find what you need in an instant with powerful search options.
Groups & filters
Organize similar contacts into groups for targeted communications or sales initiatives.
Dynamic groups
Organize similar contacts into dynamic groups based on criteria you define.
Advanced queries
Perform custom, comprehensive database queries, including searching multiple field types and ranges concurrently.
Opportunity management
Capture and manage key opportunity details, including status, value, estimated close dates, and more for every sales deal.
Sales process management
Manage opportunities using a simple, out-of-the-box sales process or one configured to fit your company’s sales methodology.
Products & pricing
Capture and manage your catalog in Act! and associate products and pricing to Opportunities.
Sales pipeline management view
See a complete, visual representation of your sales pipeline at-a-glance to project revenue, adjust strategy, and quickly focus efforts. In-context KPIs provide an instant roll-up of metrics like opportunity close rate, closed-won value, open deals, and more based on filters you apply.
Sales KPIs - Standard & custom
KPIs provide a quick look at sales activity and performance for the month or quarter. Create custom KPIs for additional insights into sales effectiveness.
Sales opportunity Kanban board
Move sales opportunities from stage to stage through the pipeline with a simple drag-and-drop motion, and watch your sales funnel update instantly.
View and customize 80+ out of the box reports - from contact lists to activity reports to sales performance metrics.
Act! Insight - Dashboards & analytics
Guide decision-making with rich, actionable insights from interactive Act! Insight dashboards covering individual, team, and business performance. Monitor sales, marketing, and business health KPIs to drive smarter decision-making.
Office integration - Export to Excel/Word
Interact seamlessly with Microsoft® Office from within Act!.
Outlook integration - Contacts/Calendar/Email
Interact seamlessly with Microsoft® Outlook® from within Act!.
Google Integration - Contacts/Calendar/Email
Integrate seamlessly with Google™.
Act! Connect - Integration with popular apps
Connect with hundreds of apps that extend the power and reach of Act!, via Act! Connect.
Tailor the way Act! operates for you, your team, or your company for maximum productivity.
User management
Add users to Act! with ease to get them onboarded and create a team role to then set preferences, define processes and configure security and sharing rights.
Layout designer
Customize the way your customer information is viewed by configuring fields, labels, backgrounds, picklists, images, and more.
Custom Fields
Add custom fields to capture data specific to your business or industry needs.
Custom Tables
Maintain detailed, industry-specific data like insurance policies, service contracts, mortgages, or projects in an unlimited number of tables with Custom Tables.
$12/user/mo $12/user/mo
Data import
Import existing Act! databases, or pull in contact information from other CRM systems or external lists via .csv files.
Enable external services and applications to extend or augment data or functionality to enhance your Act! experience.
Secure AWS hosting
Act! Premium Cloud is hosted on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform for best-in-class performance, security, and reliability.
Automatic upgrades
Automatic upgrades ensure you get and stay productive. We take care of the technical details so you can focus on your business and customers.
Nightly backups
Rest easy knowing your data is protected at all times and that you're covered in the event of an unplanned outage or disaster.
Desktop Sync
Deploy a desktop client and sync data back and forth to the Cloud for maximum flexibility.
- $12/user/mo
Cloud Storage
- 6Gb
Additional Cloud storage per 4Gb
- $6/AUD/mo
[] [] Marketing Automation
Basic - 2,500 emails/mo to unlimited contacts2
Entry-level email marketing capabilities to help you get the word out and stay in touch.
Email marketing
Create and send impactful email campaigns proven to drive sales to your Act! contacts.
170+ responsive templates
Get started with 170+ mobile responsive email templates that fit your industry, business, and communication style. Choose from a diverse library of promotional, transactional, webinar, and enewsletter email templates for building campaigns.
Interactive template editor
Edit existing or build your own mobile responsive email campaigns using the interactive template editor.
Email tracking & metrics
View real-time campaign metrics, covering opens, clicks, and comparative stats per campaign or company-wide against a time range you apply to understand the success of campaigns and improve your marketing strategy over time.
Drip marketing1
Build multi-stage drip campaigns using the visual workflow designer to send a series of automated campaigns or communications to prospects and customers. View email statistics and manage subscribers in each stage of your drip campaigns.
Visual workflow designer1
Use the visual workflow designer, providing a graphical representation of your company’s communication flow, to easily build drip or nurture campaigns. Edit existing stages or add new ones from this intuitive workflow view.
Campaign calendar
Know when campaigns are being sent with the marketing calendar, displaying planned campaigns in day, week, and month views. Filter by user, single send campaigns, or recurring campaigns. Drill into any campaign for more detail.
Deliverability & compliance tools
Rest-assured campaigns will reach inboxes, because Act! Marketing Automation is backed by an expert delivery team that helps you manage your company’s sender reputation, giving you outstanding delivery rates. Access numerous tools to help with GDPR compliance, spam analysis, managing opt-outs with multiple unsubscribe templates, and so much more.
Additional email sends2
Per 2,500/mo
Per 2,500/mo
Additional domains
Per domain
Per domain
Select - 25,000 emails/mo to unlimited contacts
Powerful marketing automation features to engage your customers and grow your business
All "Basic" Features
Response-driven nurture marketing
Build highly personalized, response-driven nurture marketing campaigns with decision trees and one or more actions to let Act! Marketing Automation do the work for you. Campaigns are automatically triggered by recipient responses based on criteria you define. The recipient lists associated with your nurture campaigns are always up-to-date, because any changes made to associated Act! groups are automatically fed into your campaign lists.
Turnkey campaigns
Quickly jumpstart your marketing efforts using turnkey, pre-built campaigns that make it easy to schedule and send sales promotions, prospecting emails, webinar or event invitations, welcome emails, recurring newsletters, and much more.
HTML email editor
Import and edit existing HTML campaign templates using the WYSIWYG email editor or build new HTML campaigns from scratch.
Social sharing
Publish campaigns to social sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to engage your company’s social networks and expand your reach. Drive traffic to social networks with social buttons in the footer of your campaigns.
Landing pages
Select from a categorized library of pre-built landing page templates or design and create your own with step-by-step guidance. Embed lead capture forms to grow your prospect database. New leads are automatically added to Act! once a form is completed.
Create online surveys and polls using multiple question types, including radio buttons, sliders, ratings, and more to gather information about prospects and customers. Responses are mapped to fields in Act! automatically for richer prospect and customer profiles.
Drip marketing
Build multi-stage drip campaigns using the visual workflow designer to send a series of automated campaigns or communications to prospects and customers. View email statistics and manage subscribers in each stage of your drip campaigns.
Visual workflow designer
Use the visual workflow designer, providing a graphical representation of your company’s communication flow, to easily build drip or nurture campaigns. Edit existing stages or add new ones from this intuitive workflow view.
Team Management
Give team members access to manage specific campaigns, templates, and landing pages.
Additional email sends
Per 2,500/mo
Per 2,500/mo
Additional domains
Per domain
Per domain
Complete - 50,000 emails/mo to unlimited contacts
Full-featured marketing automation and time-saving CRM workflow to connect your sales and marketing efforts
All "Select" Features
Marketing automation to CRM workflow
Automate workflow between sales and marketing to maximize engagement at every phase of the customer journey. Watch as Act! Marketing Automation turns real-time response metrics into sales actions—alerting everyone of new prospects, prioritizing follow-ups, and delivering a composite view of engagement in a single solution. Notify Act! users via email and create Act! activities and opportunities automatically based on campaign, landing page, and website interactions, or completed lead forms and surveys.
Asset tracking
Measure engagement of YouTube videos and PDFs to pinpoint your company’s most impactful marketing assets. See time spent and page visits. Perform A/B testing against different assets. Implement lead capture forms and force sign-in to continue viewing assets. Drive qualified leads into Act! automatically for immediate follow-up. For deeper insights, view the asset dashboard with the number of impressions, average time spent, leads generated, ROI, and more.
Advanced lead capture
Take lead capture and surveys to the next level with advanced forms and surveys that allow further actions in Act!. Create Act! activities and opportunities automatically based on recipient responses. Send notifications to Act! users when responses come in. Even load contacts into specific campaigns automatically.
Lead management & scoring
Use lead scoring to understand your most interested prospects based on campaign engagement, survey/web form responses, and website interactions. Prioritized leads are pushed into Act! groups automatically for easy sales follow-up. Set up automated tasks and alerts in Act! to keeps deals moving and close sales faster.
Event marketing
Host successful webcasts and tradeshows with a nurture template designed for marketing events. Send event invitations, gather registration information, track attendees, send thank you emails, and more.
Website activity tracking
See the interactions of both identified and anonymous visitors on your website today, yesterday, this week, last week, or the last 30 days. View website visitors in real-time and engage with identified prospects when they're most interested. Gain rich insights with the web intel dashboard for visitor profiling, interactions per visit, visitor bounce rates, traffic sources, and entry and exit pages. Web visits feed into lead scoring profiles and create activities for sales follow-ups in Act! automatically.
Additional email sends
Per 2,500/mo
Per 2,500/mo
Additional domains
Per domain
Per domain
Advanced - 100,000 emails/mo to unlimited contacts
Sophisticated marketing automation features and valuable consulting services to fast-track your success
All "Complete" Features
Progressive profiling
Gather information about a prospect over time with short surveys that display questions based on what you already know about a lead to steadily build a rich prospect profile in Act!.
A/B testing
Test specific elements of two campaigns to determine your most impactful subject lines, email content, and more. Use the results to continually improve your content.
Additional email sends
Per 2,500/mo
Per 2,500/mo
Additional domains
Per domain
Per domain

No download or credit card required

*The Act! Marketing Automation subscription fee shown above is per account, billed annually. There is no per user fee for this service.
1Basic tier limited to emails as only available action type.
2Basic tier limited to 10,000 email sends per month (Included + Paid).
3US: M-F 8:30am-8:00pm Eastern; UK: 9:00am-5:00pm.
4Each Professional Services session is billed a minimum of one hour; no pro-rations or partial hour billing.

two people shaking hands and a screenshot of the dashboard for the act! CRM platform

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Try Act! free for 14 days. No download or credit card required.