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Whether you’re currently using Act! or it’s been a while, we want to make sure that you find the solution that best fits your needs.

Act! Premium v24

Self-Hosted Solution

Looking for info on the latest version of Act! Premium, our self-hosted solution, or seeking to upgrade or subscribe?

Special pricing is available for existing customers not currently on a subscription. Call for details!

Act! CRM Classic

Cloud Solution for Existing Act! Customers

Are you a current or former Act! customer looking to migrate your Act! database to the Cloud?

Act! CRM Classic provides the robust features and customization capabilities you’re familiar with – in the Cloud – for simplicity and convenience.

Act! CRM

Cloud Solution for New Act! Customers

Still want to move forward with a trial of Act! CRM?

Act! CRM is a modern new software-as-a-service solution targeted at small and medium-sized businesses, with a focus on Professional Services.

Note: Existing Act! databases cannot be migrated to Act! CRM currently.