Recruitment consultant finds Act! to be the perfect match
The ability to store and search through a mountain of data about potential job applicants has enabled this recruitment consultant to build a highly successful recruitment business.
“Why would I be anything other than loyal to Act! when it’s helped bring me millions of dollars of profits!”
Fritz Eichelberger
- Fritz has built a database of some 40,000 contacts which he stores and manages using Act!.
- Since Fritz needs to continually touch base with those on his list, Act!’s ability to schedule call-backs and follow-ups at just the right moment is critical to his business operations.
- Fritz now spends 80 to 90% of his day adding to and updating his database of connections so he can maintain dynamic relationships with both job candidates and potential clients.
- To create the most streamlined possible recruitment process, Fritz ensures he’s using the latest Act! version so as to take advantage of new features that will make his business as efficient as possible.
- While Fritz uses other platforms to gather information about people who might be able to fill a job, because he wants long-term control over that data, he makes sure it’s transferred to Act! for safekeeping.